Sophie Yeo

Sophie Yeo is a writer based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. She is the founder and editor of Inkcap Journal.

“At its root, rewilding is an ecocentric approach.” Members only

Future Land: An interview with Steve Carver, director of the Wildland Research Institute, on wilderness and rewilding.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo

The future of Inkcap Journal Members only

Some major changes are afoot.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo

How is your local council managing its roadside verges? Members only

Exclusive: With the right interventions, road verges can become a haven for wildflowers. We asked every council in England for its management regime.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo

One quarter of English councils have plans to rewild. Does yours? Members only

Exclusive: We asked every council in England about whether they were rewilding – and what they were spending to make it happen. Here's what we found out.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo

Inside the new campaign to rewild the Royal Family, Church and Oxbridge Members only

Exclusive: A new group, WildCard, wants to rewild 50% of the UK.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo

"There is no doubt that colonial ideologies of race have left their legacy." Members only

Future Land: Corinne Fowler on colonialism's imprint on the British countryside.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo

Is the ancient art of seaweed harvesting still sustainable? Members only

Wild macroalgae is cool now, putting strain on a millennia-old tradition.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo

"Our western culture has made us this destructive force." Members only

Future Land: An interview with Rebecca Hosking, regenerative farmer, writer and consultant.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo