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In Cumbria, a lost world returns Members only

Conservationists plan to restore rare orchids, carnivorous plants, and maybe even corncrakes.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo

Mountain Hares & Angry Botanists Members only

The latest news on nature and conservation in the UK.

Inkcap Journal
Inkcap Journal

Bird observatories are struggling to survive in lockdown Members only

The lockdown has put a huge gap in this year’s wildlife data.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo

Glow Worms & Woodland Cows Members only

The latest news on nature + conservation in the UK.

Inkcap Journal
Inkcap Journal

GSCEs, Puffins & Beaver Cull Members only

The latest news on nature + conservation in the UK.

Inkcap Journal
Inkcap Journal

Black In Nature: a list of resources Members only

In solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, Inkcap has produced a list of resources to educate and support.

Inkcap Journal
Inkcap Journal

Natural history museums are rooted in racism Members only

Britain’s natural history collections were amassed through colonialism and slavery. Museums are still grappling with this legacy.

Sophie Yeo
Sophie Yeo

Solar, Sundew & South Wales Dippers Members only

The latest news on UK nature + conservation.

Inkcap Journal
Inkcap Journal